Click-through rates compare the number of people who have clicked on a link inside an email campaign.
This is such an important metric because you can see if you are getting through to your audience. Are you communicating efficiently enough so that they are convinced to click?
The average CTR should be between 2 and 5 %.
If your CTR is lower than that, you should start questioning your strategy. Are you communicating the right content to the right audience? What can you do to make sure they click? Are you segmenting your email contacts? Are you using the right call to action?
We calculate click rates by dividing the total number of people who clicked by the number of emails delivered and multiply this result by 100.
Click Rates by Day of the Week
Fridays are without a doubt the best day of the week to send newsletters. Fridays not only have the best opening rates, but also the best click rates at 2.709%, followed by Sundays at 2.603% and Thursdays at 2.601%.