The sending of qualified and coherent commercial messages, a means of profitable business conquest
Widely used by Internet users and at a relatively low cost, email marketing represents one of the privileged means of companies to develop their turnover, through acquisition campaigns involving contact lists often leased or bought. However, this process requires the respect of essential rules in order to maintain its marketing effectiveness marketing and its profitability. This includes crossing anti-spam tools, using a qualified lead database, and developing clear and consistent messages.
Qualification of prospects, prior to acquisition email
Acquisition email relies heavily on the use of third party contact databases. To use them without considering the spam factor represents an error. While most professionals comply with personal information legislation, the issuer should nevertheless inquire about the terms and collection tools. These provide a first indication of the necessary segmentation of prospects to perform. This qualification of the audience makes it possible to propose messages adapted to each contact, reducing the risk of having the campaign being qualigied as spam.
A clear and consistent promise, a need for acquisition email
More than in loyalty email, the commercial promise of the message of seduction must be characterised by its attractiveness, its clarity and its coherence. The main design rules relate to the unambiguous identification of the issuer, using a fictitious correspondent, and a short, personalized hook with the added value of the offer for the target. A fluid content must allow intuitive execution of the call-to-action, then analyzed by a "tracking" tool.
Treating the risk of spam reporting, the main limit of email marketing
The threat is real and sometimes of lasting consequence. Every effort must be made not to be caught by anti-spam filters. anti-spam filters . But what should we be careful about to avoid this catastrophe?
Solve the low opening rate in email marketing acquisition
By what means can you differentiate your email and succeed in increasing the opening rate of your email campaigns?