For all accounts that start out as Free accounts, at the time of setting up your account, you can obtain additional credits by completing simple tasks that will help you become familiar with the tool.
You can take any of the rewards and complete the tasks to get 200 to 500 free credits. For Beginners, by completing the basic steps within the platform, you will receive 200 additional credits.
To receive the intermediate level reward, you must create your first subscription form, customize your profile and undergo the Anti-Spam test on your messages to receive 300 Free credits
The reward for experts, will give you 500 additional credits if you complete the requirements for creating your first automatic campaign, adding or changing the email sender and completing the user configuration with the Anti-Spam filters: SPF, DKIM, DMARC.
By completing all these tasks, through the Rewards Program, you can get up to 1000 additional credits to your account.
To complete Expert Reward actions, keep in mind that you will need to have the annual or monthly subscription to validate the Anti-Spam Filters