Sender Score is a reputation rating for email senders, ranging from 0 to 100. It is calculated by various email service providers and companies like Return Path, now part of Validity. The score is based on several factors, including email delivery rates, spam complaints, and engagement metrics.

Importance in Email Marketing:

  • Deliverability: A higher Sender Score indicates better email deliverability, meaning emails are more likely to reach the recipient’s inbox rather than being marked as spam.
  • Reputation: It reflects the sender's reputation with Internet Service Providers (ISPs) and affects whether emails are accepted or rejected.
  • Engagement: High engagement rates with emails, such as open and click rates, positively impact the Sender Score.

Factors Affecting Sender Score:

  • Spam Complaints: The number of recipients marking emails as spam.
  • Bounce Rates: The frequency of emails that are returned as undeliverable.
  • Blacklistings: Instances where the sender's IP address is listed on email blacklists.
  • Email Volume: The number of emails sent within a specific period.
  • Engagement Rates: Metrics like open rates, click-through rates, and reply rates.

How Mailpro Helps Improve Your Sender Score:

  • Clean Email Lists: Mailpro provides tools to regularly update and clean your email lists, helping you remove invalid or inactive addresses.
  • Engage Your Audience: With Mailpro, you can create engaging and valuable content for your subscribers, boosting your engagement rates.
  • Monitor Spam Complaints: Mailpro helps you track spam complaints and offers best practices to minimize them.
  • Email Authentication: Mailpro supports authentication protocols such as SPF, DKIM, and DMARCto enhance your email security and trustworthiness.
  • Monitor Sender Score: Mailpro integrates with tools like Validity’s Sender Score, allowing you to regularly check and improve your Sender Score.

Tools to Monitor Sender Score with Mailpro:

  • Validity Sender Score: Check and monitor your Sender Score directly through Mailpro’s integration.
  • Google Postmaster Tools: Mailpro provides insights into email performance for Gmail users.
  • Microsoft SNDS (Smart Network Data Services): Mailpro offers data on email performance for Microsoft email services.


A high Sender Score is crucial for successful email marketing campaigns. It ensures your emails reach the intended recipients and maintain your sender reputation. With Mailpro’s comprehensive tools and best practices, you can improve and maintain a high Sender Score, optimizing your email marketing efforts for better results.

Related Terms:

By leveraging Mailpro’s features and expertise, you can manage your Sender Score effectively and enhance your email marketing success.

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