Learn where you can find your Badmails inside Mailpro

You can find the "Hard bounces" under the tab "Addresses" and in the menu "Badmails". For each address you can display the error message that triggered the classification of the address as “badmail”/hard bounces.

You can find the Soft bounces in statistics for each campaign.

You also have the possibility to export these addresses to Excel as a CSV file that will be sent to you by email.

What are Badmails?

Email marketing is a great way to reach out to potential customers and build relationships with them. However, it can also be difficult to ensure that your emails are delivered successfully. Badmails, also known as bounces, are emails that fail to reach their intended recipient due to various reasons such as an invalid email address or the recipient's mailbox being full.

Badmailscan have a negative impact on your email deliverability rate and sender reputation, which can lead to fewer emails being delivered in the future. To avoid badmails, it is important to regularly clean your email list by removing invalid addresses and ensuring that all of your contacts ave opted-in to receive emails from you. Additionally, you should monitor your bounce rate and take steps to reduce it if necessary. Mailpro manages your badmails. 
Overall, badmails are a common issue in email marketing that can cause problems for both senders and recipients. By taking steps to reduce badmails and maintain a good sender reputation, you can ensure that more of your emails reach their intended destination.

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