Our customer,  a dedicated legal service provider who was targeting individuals who had been in car accidents. Despite having permission from her recipients, Jane's emails were always ending up in the spam folders. She was sending out the same email twice a week: "Were you recently in a car accident? We can help you get money for it." Frustrated by her poor open rates, Jane called us at Mailpro, upset and eager for a solution.

The Problem:

Jane's email strategy had a few major issues:

Repetitive Content:

  • Monotony: Jane’s emails were always the same, offering no new information or value to the recipients. This monotony led to recipients becoming tired and uninterested.
  • Spam Indicators: Repeatedly sending the same message can trigger spam filters, as it is a common characteristic of spammy behavior.
  • Recipient Fatigue: When recipients see the same message over and over, they are more likely to mark it as spam or ignore it, reducing overall engagement.

High Frequency:

  • Overwhelm: Sending emails twice a week with the same content overwhelmed recipients. Even those initially interested became annoyed by the constant barrage.
  • Increased Complaints: The high frequency of repetitive emails led to more recipients marking her emails as spam, which negatively impacted her sender reputation.
  • Diminished Interest: Too frequent communication without variety or added value caused recipients to lose interest, further harming open and engagement rates.

Lack of Engagement:

  • No Variety: Jane’s emails lacked variety, failing to capture and hold recipients' attention. They offered no new or interesting content that could engage recipients.
  • Missed Opportunities: By not including different types of content (like educational information, success stories, or interactive elements), Jane missed opportunities to engage with her audience in meaningful ways.
  • Reduced Open Rates: The repetitive and uninspiring nature of the emails led to a significant drop in open rates, as recipients were less inclined to open emails that they perceived as redundant or uninteresting.

By addressing these issues with a more strategic approach, Jane could have greatly improved her email campaign's effectiveness. Here's how she could have done it with Mailpro:

What Jane Should Have Done:

Diversify Content with Mailpro:

  • Educational Content: Use Mailpro to create emails that offer valuable information about car accidents, legal rights, and tips for dealing with insurance companies.
  • Success Stories: Share testimonials and case studies from happy clients using Mailpro’s easy-to-use templates.
  • Interactive Content: Include surveys or forms using Mailpro’s tools to make the emails more engaging.

Optimize Frequency with Mailpro

Segment Audience:

  • Understanding Engagement Levels: With Mailpro, you can analyze your recipients' engagement levels to tailor email frequency. For instance, highly engaged recipients who frequently open and interact with your emails might appreciate receiving updates more often, such as weekly.
  • Custom Preferences: Mailpro allows you to create segments based on various criteria, including how often recipients interact with your emails. This means you can set different email frequencies for different segments, ensuring that you’re not overwhelming less engaged recipients who might prefer monthly updates.
  • Behavioral Triggers: Use Mailpro to track specific actions like email opens, link clicks, and other interactions. This data helps in creating dynamic segments that automatically adjust based on recipient behavior, ensuring your emails are always welcomed and relevant.

Automated Drip Campaigns:

  • Personalized Sequences: With Mailpro’s automation features, you can set up drip campaigns that send a series of emails spaced out over time. These campaigns can be tailored based on recipient actions, such as signing up for a newsletter, downloading a resource, or making a purchase.
  • Timely Delivery: Automation ensures that emails are sent at optimal times based on recipient behavior. For example, if a recipient opens an introductory email, a follow-up email can be automatically scheduled to go out a few days later, keeping the conversation going without overwhelming the recipient.
  • Responsive Automation: Mailpro’s responsive automation adjusts the email sequence based on how recipients interact with each email. If a recipient shows high engagement by opening and clicking links, they might receive more frequent emails. Conversely, if a recipient shows low engagement, the frequency can be reduced to prevent annoyance and improve overall experience.
  • Nurture Leads: Use automated drip campaigns to nurture leads gradually. Start with introductory content and gradually move towards more specific offers or calls to action, guiding recipients through the customer journey at a comfortable pace.
  • Feedback Integration: Incorporate feedback mechanisms within your drip campaigns to gauge recipient satisfaction and adjust the sequence accordingly. This ensures that your emails remain relevant and valuable, reducing the likelihood of being marked as spam.

By leveraging Mailpro’s audience segmentation and automated drip campaign features, you can optimize email frequency to match the preferences and behaviors of your recipients, leading to better engagement and reduced spam complaints.

Improve Subject Lines and Preheaders with Mailpro

A/B Testing:

  • Experiment with Variations: With Mailpro, you can easily set up A/B tests to compare different subject lines and preheaders. Try testing variations such as question formats, urgency phrases, or emojis to see which ones resonate best with your audience.
    • Example Subject Lines:
      • Version A: "Were You Recently in a Car Accident? We Can Help!"
      • Version B: "Need Legal Help After a Car Accident? Click Here!"
  • Analyze Results: Mailpro provides detailed analytics to help you understand which subject lines and preheaders are performing better. Look at open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates to determine the most effective options.
  • Iterate and Optimize: Use the insights from your A/B tests to continuously improve your subject lines. For instance, if you find that subject lines with questions perform better, you can focus on creating more engaging questions in future emails.


  • Use Recipient Names: Personalizing subject lines with recipient names can significantly increase open rates. With Mailpro, you can easily insert recipient names into subject lines to create a more personalized experience.
    • Example Subject Lines:
      • "Jane, Were You Recently in a Car Accident? We Can Help!"
      • "John, Get Legal Help After Your Accident Today!"
  • Leverage Behavioral Data: Personalize subject lines based on recipient behavior or preferences. For example, if a recipient has previously shown interest in car accident legal advice, tailor the subject line to reflect that.
  • Example Subject Lines:
    • "Exclusive Tips for Car Accident Victims, Just for You!"
    • "Your Guide to Legal Help After a Car Accident, [Recipient's Name]"
  • Example Subject Lines:
    • "Act Now: Legal Help for Your Recent Car Accident"
    • "Don’t Miss Out: Important Information for Car Accident Victims, [Recipient's Name]"
  • Create Urgency and Relevance: Use personalization to create a sense of urgency and relevance. Mentioning recent events or actions taken by the recipient can make the email feel more timely and important.

By leveraging A/B testing and personalization with Mailpro, you can significantly improve your subject lines and preheaders. This not only helps in increasing open rates but also ensures that your emails stand out in crowded inboxes, making recipients more likely to engage with your content.

Monitor and Adjust with Mailpro:

  • Analytics: Regularly review open rates, click-through rates, and spam complaints with Mailpro’s detailed analytics to adjust strategies accordingly.
  • Feedback: Encourage recipients to provide feedback on email content and frequency preferences using Mailpro’s feedback tools.

Maintain List Hygiene with Mailpro:

  • Regular Cleaning: Use Mailpro to remove inactive subscribers and ensure that your email list is up-to-date with engaged recipients.
  • Double Opt-In: Implement a double opt-in process with Mailpro to make sure recipients genuinely want to receive your emails.

Results with Improved Strategy Using Mailpro:

By diversifying content, optimizing email frequency, personalizing subject lines, and maintaining list hygiene, Jane could have significantly improved her email campaign’s effectiveness with the help of Mailpro. Engaging content and thoughtful timing would have reduced spam complaints and increased recipient engagement, ultimately leading to more successful conversions.


This case study highlights the importance of strategic planning in email marketing. Even with proper authorization, failing to engage recipients with varied and valuable content can lead to poor results. By implementing best practices and leveraging Mailpro’s powerful tools, Jane was able to diversify her content, optimize email frequency, and personalize her subject lines. These changes significantly improved her email campaign's effectiveness, reduced spam complaints, and increased recipient engagement. As a result, Jane was able to fix her initial issues and went on happily sending her campaigns, achieving much better outcomes and customer satisfaction.


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